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Crime Scene Cleanup You Can Trust

At Trauma Cleanup Solutions, we take calls from family members, property managers, hotels, and just about anywhere there is a need for crime scene cleanup. If there is a dead body on any property it could be the result of a major crime. Unattended death or “natural death” is likely to be someone that passed away alone many days ago. Suicide is initially considered a crime scene until an investigation is completed. Police and the medical examiner will come together and agree on a “cause of death.” Sometimes a sudden death in the home may be deemed suspicious and then later ruled to be an accidental death. We work closely with police and we know how they process a crime scene. As a result, our status remains on standby until they have “cleared the scene.” 

The Best Crime Scene Cleanup

Our profession is unknown to most folks. People see the movies and cable shows that dramatically enhance what we do because it’s on TV, but the fact of the matter is every homicide cleanup is different and that makes the cleanup after a death a challenge. We know there are many variables. Whether it’s murder cleanup, a stabbing cleanup or assault cleanup, we can provide the safest and most thorough death cleanup service. While the term “crime scene cleanup” may not always apply, we take every blood spill and bodily fluid cleanup very seriously. Until a few decades ago, the task of cleaning a death scene was left to family and friends. They used over-the-counter chemicals and while they weren’t the best choice, they were perhaps the only choice at the time. So many crime scenes were left to age and didn’t get cleaned professionally. 

Local Law Enforcement Calls Trauma Cleanup Solutions

We can be called out for many reasons, but here are a few:

  1. Our technicians have the best training in homicide cleanup.
  2. We select people with steel nerves and iron stomachs.
  3. Our entire staff will be here to support you through this trauma cleanup.

Crime Scene Cleaning

Many companies today claim to be “crime scene cleaners,” however, the reality is that only a few of us can provide exemplary and detailed crime scene cleaning. Many restoration companies have added crime scene cleaning or trauma cleaning to their list of services. But let’s face it: fire and water damage restoration companies might be good at fire and water restoration, but not biohazard cleanup. That requires multiple certifications and many hours of training. It just does not happen overnight. Here at Trauma Cleanup Solutions, we focus on death cleanup. Of course that encompasses crime scene cleanup, suicide cleanup and homicide cleanup. In Arizona, specific licensing is also required for the state and Maricopa County. This is not a “sideline business” for Trauma Cleanup Solutions. We are the best at any type of cleanup involving blood or bodily fluids and that’s why we are the first choice for law enforcement in Arizona. Some people might expect that cleaning up blood and bodily fluids from a crime scene can be done with bleach or other household cleaners – those days are over. Crime scene cleanup requires specific processes from containment to chemicals and even the discovery of physical evidence.

Biohazards during Crime Scene Cleanup

One of the most important aspects of cleaning up after a crime scene is recognizing the potential hazards that are present. In every attempted crime, the potential for hazards exists and being able to identify them is crucial to successful mitigation. While the terms may differ and agencies will use terms that are broad, it will usually involve a form of biohazard cleanup. The blood and bodily fluids left at a death scene will harm you, and that’s why you call experts like Trauma Cleanup Solutions. We will remove all the biological threats that exist in a death scene. Of course, these contaminants will be disposed of per medical waste disposal licensing. Let the team here assist you and relieve the unsettling vision you may have seen. 

If you or your property has been victimized, you should hire a professional crime scene cleanup company. Trauma Cleanup Solutions is the preferred crime scene cleanup company in Arizona. We are available 24/7 to assist you with any cleanup involving blood and bodily fluids.

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